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Here to help you find or become the Right person for the job

At HDR, we leverage our decade-long expertise in talent acquisition to drive impact for companies, recruiters, and job seekers alike. Whether you’re a job seeker searching for your next opportunity or a company looking to build your dream team, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Let us help you achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact in the world of recruitment.”

HDR Talent Acquisition solutions offers:

services for individuals looking to make career moves. Recruiters & Recruiting Leaders looking for mentorship and strategy support. Businesses looking to hire the right talent and implement strategies that will scale.


Job Seekers and Career Enthusiasts: Unlock Your Path to Success

Stuck in a rut in your current role? Looking for a way to push yourself into something new or to accelerate your growth? Start here.

Companies seeking recruitment services

Are you looking for ways to accelerate your time to hire, diversity & inclusion practices or how to land niche talent? Start here.

Recruiters seeking services

Do you want to hire faster, handle tough hiring managers, create a strategy to make huge impact? Start here.

No matter your situation, set up a time with us & let’s discuss your needs

We'd love to
see how we
can help you!

Whether you’re looking for professionals to join your company, or whether you’re looking to become a recruiter. We have you covered at HDR.
Hobert Ruffin

Hobert Ruffin


Hobert Ruffin HDR
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